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The Kulturlounge

The smell of seasoned beans wafts through the kitchen. At one counter, a small group wrinkles their noses as they chop cilantro, garlic, and onions for salsa. For many, it’s their first time cooking a Mexican meal–just one of many firsts visitors experience at Presence Kulturlounge.

This unique Urban Center of Influence (UCI) is in the city of Frankfurt. Presence Kulturlounge builds bridges between the church and the local people who may not be readily open to religion. Visitors can participate in everything from cooking classes and art exhibitions to literature and poetry readings. It creates a welcoming space to ask questions and build community.

Pastor Simret founded Presence Kulturlounge with support from the church. His dream is to win people to Christ despite the city’s largely secular context. “When people come to Presence Kulturlounge, we communicate openly that this is a project of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,” Simret shares. “Many of the people who come here never knew that the Adventist Church even exists.”

Simret and his team are slowly building relationships with the locals and sharing the gospel with them. This work takes time and patience. Please pray that through Presence Kulturlounge, souls may be won for God’s kingdom.